Company Formation in Netherlands

company formation in Netherlands

Incorporate your company in the Netherlands within 2 weeks (upon validation of your identification documents). Benefit from client confidentiality, secure banking applications, and ongoing managerial support throughout the year.

Netherlands Private Company (BV)

Personal assets are protected against bankruptcy

The Netherlands Limited Liability Company (Besloten Vennootschap or BV) is favored by holding and financial firms for its favorable tax regime and its effectiveness in structuring international financial transactions. It’s also recognized as an efficient vehicle for market penetration within the EU.

BV Company Formation

Private limited company (besloten vennootschap or B.V.)

Upon incorporation, your company will be listed in the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. This register includes details such as the statutory name, date of incorporation, registered address, and the names and authorities of directors. Additionally, it discloses the names and addresses of shareholders owning 100% of the company. The information in the Trade Register is publicly accessible.


  • Passport of each shareholder/beneficial owner and director.
  • Proof of residential address for either  the director or the shareholder (Must be in English or Chinese. Or certified translation version).
    -**We can appoint a local nominee Director in case you do not want to disclose your name on public, but you will have control over all your structures upon our internal Board resolutions. (250US$ per year)
  • Business Plan (Optional)
  • The proposed 2 company names with ending suffix “BV”


    • Timeframe: within 2 Weeks
    • 100% successful rate
    • Fast, easy & highest confidential via secured systems
    • Dedicated support officer (24/7)

    ONE-OFF PRICE:  US$ 6000
    Renewal fee: 1500US$ per year
    (including yearly financial account & maintenance of company).

    Package includes a Business Bank Account:
    Choices of the following banks:
    Citibank, Santander Bank, OCBC Bank, Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of America, UBS Bank, Credit Suisse

    Package includes an internet banking access:
    (Citibank, Santander Bank, OCBC Bank, Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of America, UBS Bank, Credit Suisse)


Private Limited/ BV

General Information
Type of Business Entity Private Limited/ BV
Corporate Income Tax 16,5% up to 200.000 EUR,
25% for exceeding 200.000 EUR
British Based Legal System No
Double Tax Treaty Access Yes
Incorporation Time Frame (Approx., days) 5
Corporate Requirements
Minimum Number of Shareholders 1
Minimum Number of Directors 1
Corporate Directors Permitted No
Standard Authorized Capital/Shares 1 EUR
Local Requirements
Registered Office/ Registered Agent Yes
Company Secretary Yes
Local Meetings Anywhere
Local Directors / Shareholders No
Publicly Accessible Records Yes
Annual Requirements
Annual Return No (*)
Audited Accounts Yes
Incorporation Fees
Our Service Fee (1st year) US$ 6000
Annual Renewal Fees
Our Service Fee US$ 1500


Netherlands companies are ideal for:

– Entrepreneurs
– Consultants and Advisors
– Real Estate Holding
– E-commerce
– Expatriates
– Estate Planning
– Holding Intellectual Property

Netherlands companies are ideal for:

– Entrepreneurs
– Consultants and Advisors
– Real Estate Holding
– E-commerce
– Expatriates
– Estate Planning
– Holding Intellectual Property

Main Features of a BV Company

  • Company type: Private limited company (besloten vennootschap or B.V.)
  • Governing corporate legislation: Regulated under the Dutch Civil Code
  • Information published relating to company officers: Upon incorporation, the company is registered in the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. It includes statutory name, date of incorporation, registered address, names and authorities of directors, and details of 100% shareholders. Information in the Trade Register is publicly accessible.
  • Accounting requirement: Annual accounts filing required.
  • Taxation: Corporation tax rate is 19% up to €200,000 of taxable income, with 25% applying to income above this threshold.
  • Legislation: Governed by Dutch Corporate Law
  • Standard currency: Euro (EUR)
  • Time to form: Approximately 2 weeks (subject to validation of identification documents)
  • Stability: Highly stable and reputable jurisdiction
  • Communication: Utilizes efficient modern communication methods
  • Time zone: GMT+1
  • Secretary required: Not mandatory
  • Paid-up capital requirement: Yes
  • Renewal Date: Anniversary date of the company, annually
  • Basis of legal System: Civil Law
  • Minimum directors/shareholders: At least 1 director and 1 shareholder
  • Bearer shares: Not permitted
netherlands flag rcpsecure globallc

US$ 6200<  US$6000


Incorporating in the Netherlands offers several advantages:

  1. Strategic Location: Located in the heart of Europe, the Netherlands provides easy access to the EU market.
  2. Business-Friendly Environment: It has a well-developed infrastructure, supportive government policies, and a robust legal system.
  3. Tax Benefits: The Dutch tax regime offers various incentives, including tax exemptions for holding companies and favorable tax treatment for international transactions.
  4. Stable Economy: Known for its stable and resilient economy, the Netherlands attracts businesses seeking reliability and growth opportunities.
  5. Access to Talent: The country boasts a highly educated workforce and a culture of innovation, making it ideal for businesses in technology, finance, and logistics.
  6. International Trade Hub: With world-class ports and airports, the Netherlands is a hub for international trade and logistics.
  7. Legal and Regulatory Framework: It operates under a transparent legal framework, providing certainty and protection for investors and businesses alike.
  8. Quality of Life: Beyond business, the Netherlands offers a high quality of life, excellent healthcare, and cultural diversity.

These factors make the Netherlands an attractive choice for company incorporation, catering to both startups and established businesses looking to expand their presence in Europe.

What is BV Company Formation

A BV (Besloten Vennootschap) company formation refers to establishing a private limited liability company in the Netherlands. This type of company is commonly chosen for its flexible corporate structure, limited liability for shareholders, and various tax benefits. BV companies are regulated under Dutch Corporate Law and must be registered in the Trade Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. They require filing annual accounts and adhere to specific governance rules outlined in the Dutch Civil Code. BV formations typically involve appointing directors and shareholders, specifying the company’s registered address, and ensuring compliance with legal and tax obligations in the Netherlands.

    In some countries, an international business license is required to operate. Additionally, if you wish to be a major shareholder in a company headquartered in a country that mandates such a license, you will need approval before acquiring a stake. While requirements vary by country, there are several basic steps to obtaining an international business license. Business Ventures Management Limited is your one-stop hub, having structured over 18,000 Global Businesses worldwide to date.


    217/1, 21st September Avenue,
    Naxxar NXR 1013, Malta.


    [email protected]
