Welcome to RCPSecure global LLC Merchant Specialist Support. This section of our website will connect you to a dedicated Merchant Account Specialist FAST.
Please use the form below to get started. You are required to provide the exact requested information so that it is easy for our Support Channels to understand your requirements and ultimately connect you to the best dedicated Support Specialist for all your assistance.
Merchant notes:
MANDATORY: In order to be able to qualify for this package, we will be required to incorporate a new company(LLC or LTD) in the Republic of Malta for your business.
Use of Nominee Appointee(s)
Note that while incorporating your new company in the Republic of Malta, Business Ventures Management Limited LLC shall appoint a local nominee representative in the Republic of Malta, as required by the MFSA. At any time, your name shall NEVER be disclosed on any public directories during the formation of your new entity. Also be aware that a Nominee appointee shall NOT have any power of attorney of your entire structure, only YOU will have the Authorized signatory permission of your company, (access to your bank account and merchant funds) this shall be done through an internal resolution once your company is formed.
Merchant Account Limits
Using this Direct Merchant Account solution, you will NOT be restricted to any limitations.
Choice of 3 Banks to get you started
We will be setting up your Merchant Account with the choice of our 3 partner banks, DBS Bank Ltd(Singapore), Santander Bank & Barlcays PLC). You can read more about the Merchant rates on our main Merchant Account Service page.
Best banking choice to go with, DBS Bank Ltd, who is also our prime service lending Partner Bank and in case you do not want to have any holding reserve for your processing, this is the perfect banking choice to go for. Read more
You can also reach our 24/7 Email Support channels on the following email address if you have more specific queries: [email protected]